Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Peter is Coming Home Soon

We just found out that Pete will actually be home from August 10th-23rd. We know that it is your prayers that helped him get that second week of leave added on. Thank you for continuing to pray for our family.
We plan to spend a few days at the beach as a family and then we'll spend the rest of the time at home. Pete will be here long enough to attend Mass with our church family twice. He is excited about being able to see every one. Pete's parents and brother Mark will be visiting us during the second week of his stay. We can't wait to see them. It promises to be a fun, busy and emotional two weeks.

Peter's youngest brother, Uncle Tim, whom you see in the picture above, was with us for a couple of weeks. The boys and I truly enjoyed his company and energy. He fixed several things around the house and played several hours with the boys. We had fun at the pool, at Stone Mountain Park and even at the Aquarium. He left to drive back to California today and we are so sad.

Now, we look forward to daddy coming home. When I mentioned to Ricky that daddy would be coming home to visit us he responded with, "Visit?" He realized how odd this sounded. I had to explain that Daddy would be coming home but then having to leave again. UGH!
I found a wonderful book that helps kids understand why dads (and sometimes moms) must leave home when they are soldiers. Just in case you can pass this along to someone who could use it, the title of the book is "A Yellow Ribbon For Daddy" by Anissa Mersiowsky. We have read it every day since it arrived, at Ricky's request. He seems to feel consoled by it.

Well, that"s all for now. Paul woke up.

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