Saturday, August 11, 2007

Peter is Home

Praise God!!! Our Peter is home. It is wonderful to have his strong, Godly presence home again. The boys are so excited. We were able to get passes to meet Pete at the gate at the airport. When they saw Pete walk out the boys ran into his arms. I got a couple of great pictures. Then we had the family hug! What a great feeling!
We ate dinner at the airport in order to avoid rush hour traffic and then came home to begin the playing and updates. We all had to show Pete all of the new toys, decorations, etc. around the home. Ricky was so excited that daddy would be reading him his bedtime story. It took them both a while to settle down enough to fall asleep.
We spent this morning having a family breakfast and then packing up lunch to spend some time at the pool. Ricky showed dad how he can now jump off of the diving board. Paul showed him how he can jump from the wall and how he plays with balls in the baby pool. It was wonderful to be together as a family.
Tomorrow we'll gather with the G-C family for lunch and see our friends at church. Then Monday we head out to the beach. We are looking forward to creating some more great family memories at one of our favorite places, St. Augustine. We'll take the boys to the Mission of Our Lady of La Leche. Peter and I made a pilgrimage there when we were trying to conceive. It will be great to show the boys where we prayed for our babies. Pete can't wait to show them the fort. And of course we'll spend plenty of time at the beach.
We pray that you are all doing well and enjoying your families. May God bless you with peace and happiness.

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